Sunday, August 5, 2007


I've been away, on travel for work, and then what was supposed to be a relaxing vacation. So the vacation part was good for a while, but then life intervened, and it wasn't so much.

In short, my Mom joined me in Tahoe, and after a couple of days, she fell. Fell kinda down a small incline, over bushes. Rolling over kinda falling. For an 85-year-old with osteoporosis, this is not good. At all.

But miraculously, she got away with a pain in her neck and a bruised hand! No ambulance or broken bones. Dude, she WALKED AWAY from the fall...that's a spunky 85-year-old.

But the rest of the time was spent in some care-taking, not just relaxing. Clearly that is going to have to wait 'til September.

I did, however, get some knitting in...cute socks for Mom in Panda Cotton

and another Tomato sweater, just for me!

1 comment:

Nicole and Jenny (aka Stash and Burn) said...

Hey Renee! Sorry about your mom's fall! I have a question about your Panda Cotton Socks . . . how many stitches did you cast on? I cast on 60, but got a sock that was too wide. I ripped back and left it for now, but I am curious what you did. Thanks!

Nicole from Stash and Burn
stashandburn (at) gmail (dot) com