Friday, March 28, 2008

Knitting from the Heart

Knitters develop great bonds, and when one of them finds herself carrying a burden, knitters want to help.

Our friend Judy from Knit Night at Marin Fiber Arts got a horrible call last Saturday - her sister, who had been recovering at home from surgery, collapsed suddenly, and was pronounced dead at the hospital after paramedics attempted to revive her. She is being a good sister and seeing to many details and supporting her brother-in-law and nieces in the middle of this awful situation.

Last night, we began on a project for Judy to give her upon her return. I cannot say what it is, or it will spoil the surprise, but suffice it to say that we are glad to be doing just a little something to ease our friend's broken heart.


Alison said...

Oh goodness, Renee, I'm so sorry! And so glad you all are knitting for her. It's what we knitters can do, and it matters.

Renee said...

Yep, it does matter! You of all people know that...