Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Circle of Knitting LIfe

The cycle of knitting goes this way: a project is planning and dreamed of, materials acquired or purchased, swatches are made (right, all the time, right?) the project, if successful, reaches completion, including any particular needed accessories, such as belts and buttons. Hopefully, celebration occurs.

I'm at two very points this week. I've got a wonderful FO -- the Juliaca cardigan sweater (which amazingly is the only one in all of Ravelry). I've been wearing it all week. More details below. At the same time, I was dreaming and planning new projects. Two swatches are now done. I have measurements, and now the projects can begin. I'm at both ends!

Onto the Juliaca sweater. It looks good off:

Juliaca sweater 5

It looks good on:

Juliaca sweater

I also scored some incredible buttons at Stitches West:


These are from a small South African company called Incomparable Buttons. The vendor, who doesn't have a website (darn!) is Nifty Thrifty Dry Goods. I loved them, and you can go to the wholesaler's website, the particular ones I got are L375 (such a romantic name).

See how good that button looks on the sweater?

button on sweater

I am very happy.

At the other end of Knitting Life, two eggs are about to hatch. The one for me is the Corset by Annie Modesitt in some beautiful empire silk.

Here's a test swatch, which was hung and weighted with some fashion pins:

Empire silk Swatch

Pretty stuff, huh!

The other sweater is the Flutter Sleeve Cardigan from Interweave Spring 2008. My LYS had a great sale, and I had a gift certificate that took care of part of it, so the whole thing is really quite reasonable. This swatch is perfectly on gauge. The sweater will be done in the darker color, and if I run out of yarn (unlikely, given the size of my cousin), I'll use the lighter color for the button band and tabs.

Schulana2 swatch

It has a terrific "hand" and will be just the professional look that my new-to-work cousin needs for her wardrobe.

1 comment:

ms. crafty said...

The sweater is gorgeous! And the button is just perfect. Yay!