Saturday, June 7, 2008

All About the Beads

Back when I did the Hanami stole, it was my first foray into bead knitting. I realize that starting to use beads on lace yarn like this is not the usual way to do it, but that's me. Fortunately, it wasn't a lot of beads!

Then, when I was listening to Ivy's Knit Spirit podcast, I noticed that Earthfaire was a sponsor.

So I checked out the website, and couldn't resist buying this kit -- I find that kits are really, really helpful when I'm learning something new. This kit, shown here:

Fire Polish Crystals

is very complete, has very lovely crystal beads, all the materials (except the size 0 needles), and even came with a sterling silver clasp for the bracelet!

Fire Polish Crystal bracelet

So, given that there is a bead store a block away from Marin Fiber Arts, I think I may be doing some more bead knitting!


Anonymous said...

Oh, Renee, that's beautiful!!!

I wonder if I can convince dh I need to go to my new LYS.... It's a yarn AND bead store....

Renee said...

Thanks -- and it's been fun to see your new adventures in Alaska!

And beads are pretty cheap...